How MouthBoss Works
Mouthwashes today focus on killing the bacteria in your mouth that feed on food and drink particles and damage your teeth. However, recent studies have shown that the chemicals used to kill the bacteria can also adversely affect the balance of good and bad bacteria in your mouth and actually lead to a negative effect in your mouth. A few alcohol-free mouthwashes are now coming to the market but they still have harmful chemicals that kill bacteria, meaning they cannot be swallowed.
Isn’t the most obvious solution to just remove the food and drink particles in your teeth in the first place?
That way you can let nature do its thing and leave the bacteria alone. Many people carry mints or chewing gum with them, hoping to use these products to clean their teeth after a meal or drinks.
MouthBoss has been created as a portable mouthwash to be used to rinse your mouth when a toothbrush isn’t appropriate. MouthBoss is supplied direct to your door in recycled pouches that can be decanted into one of two small sized bottles perfect for taking out the house with you. The action of rinsing the MouthBoss liquid around your mouth loosens any particles which are then swallowed (like they should have been in the first place) and afterwards leaves a layer of enamel friendly solution around your teeth.
Did we mention that because we don't use any harmful chemicals, we can focus on making MouthBoss taste amazing? MouthBoss has a great minty flavour that not only allows you to rinse your mouth after food or drink when you’re out but it leaves your mouth tasting great - and because you swallow it the taste lasts for much longer!
Imagine having that minty ‘just-brushed-my-teeth’ taste throughout the day!